The University of Turin is one of the most ancient and prestigious Italian Universities. Hosting about 70.000 students, 4.000 academic, administrative and technical staff, 1800 post-graduate and post-doctoral students and with 120 buildings in different areas in Turin and in key places in Piedmont, the University of Turin …
VITALIS is a non-governmental organization, created on August 13, 2000, with the mission of contributing to the formation of values, knowledge and behaviors, consonant with environmental conservation and sustainable development. Scale: Local Type: Conservation and development Focus: Conservation, Sustainable use Strategies: Research, Capacity building, Technical assistance
Wetlands International is the only global non-governmental organisation dedicated to wetlands. Its mission is to sustain and restore wetlands, their resources and biodiversity. Scale: Global Type: Conservation and development Focus: Conservation, Sustainable use Strategies: Capacity building, Technical assistance, Financial support, Partnerships
The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) is a conservation charity that saves wetlands, which are essential for life itself. Wetlands are the primary source of drinking water for people and wildlife. They also connect us with nature, and with ourselves, through beautiful landscapes and inspiring encounters with wildlife. WWT ’ s ethos …
WWF Guianas is engaged in biodiversity assessments of some unexplored territories in the Guianas. In a 2013, WWF Guianas and Global Wildlife Conservation (GWC) carried out the Southern Rupununi Biodiversity Assessment Team (BAT) expedition to get a snapshot of the region ‘ s diversity, collecting data on seven taxonomic groups (mammals …
Scale: Regional Type: Constituency CSO Focus: Indigenous rights, Cultural identity Strategies: Lobby, Activism
This directory and the accompanying Guiana Shield Action Guide have been produced in Project COBRA: The Role of Community Owned Solutions in Sustainable Environmental Management and Governance in the Global South
Project COBRA was supported by a three year grant from the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme. The contents of this directory are the sole responsibility of Project COBRA and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.