Scale: Local Type: Constituency CSO Focus: Indigenous rights, Cultural identity Strategies:
PROVITA is a non-profit association founded in February 1987 as an initiative of a group of biology students at the Central University of Venezuela. It has grown into one of the Venezuelan private organizations with greater credibility and growth. Scale: Local Type: Conservation and development Focus: Conservation, Sustainable use Strategies …
RHUL is within the top 10 universities in the UK with an international reputation for the highest quality teaching and research across the sciences, arts and humanities. The Department of Geography is in the top tier of UK Geography departments, and the last Research Assessment Exercise singled out the Department …
RLI is a Guyanese non-profit corporation registered in 2007. Its Board and membership are entirely composed of Rupununi village residents. Scale: Local Type: Constituency CSO Focus: Indigenous rights Strategies: Lobby
Sim ó n Bol í var University ( Universidad Sim ó n Bol í var in Spanish) or USB , is a public institution located in Miranda State , Venezuela with scientific and technological orientation. Scale: Type: Focus: Strategies:
The Suriname Conservation Foundation was founded on March 14, 2000 in an effective partnership between the Republic of Suriname and Conservation International, with substantial contributions from the United Nations Development Programme, the Global Environment Facility and the United Nations Foundation. Scale: Regional Type: Conservation and development Focus: Conservation Strategies: Financial …
Survival International is the only organization that champions tribal peoples around the world. It helps these people defend their lives, protect their lands and determine their own futures. Scale: Global Type: Social and environmental activist Focus: Indigenous rights, Cultural identity Strategies: Lobby, Activism, Research
Founded in 1951, the Conservancy is the world's leading conservation organization. Scale: Global Type: Conservation and development Focus: Conservation, Indigenous rights Strategies: Research, Technical Assistance, Partnerships
We promote educational opportunity and social justice by providing high-quality university education to all who wish to realise their ambitions and fulfil their potential. Through academic research, pedagogic innovation and collaborative partnership we seek to be a world leader in the design, content and delivery of supported open learning. Source …
Since its establishment in 2003, Tropenbos International Suriname aims at wise use of the forest so that the country can maintain its high forested and low deforestation status and at the same time improve the national living standards. Scale: Local Type: Focus: Strategies:
This directory and the accompanying Guiana Shield Action Guide have been produced in Project COBRA: The Role of Community Owned Solutions in Sustainable Environmental Management and Governance in the Global South
Project COBRA was supported by a three year grant from the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme. The contents of this directory are the sole responsibility of Project COBRA and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.