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Results 41 - 50 of 547

Bamako Convention

Bamako Convention on the Ban on the Import into Africa and the Control of Transboundary Movement and Management of Hazardous Wastes within Africa

Impetus[es] for the Bamako Convention arose from the failure of the Basel Convention to prohibit trade of hazardous waste to less developed countries (LDCs), and from the realization that many developed nations were exporting toxic wastes to Africa. The Bamako Convention uses a format and language similar to that …

Basel Convention image

Basel Convention

Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal

Bern Convention  image

Bern Convention

Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats

The Bern Convention's goal is the conservation of wild species and their habitats. The preservation of endangered and vulnerable species is of particular importance. The appendices specify a number of endangered and vulnerable migratory species. Source: http://www.eisi…32859 & id=762 & t=link_details & cat …

Better Access to Remedy in Company-­Community Conflicts in the field of CSR: A Model for Company ­ Based Grievance Mechanisms image

Better Access to Remedy in Company-­Community Conflicts in the field of CSR: A Model for Company ­ Based Grievance Mechanisms

In 2010, the Special Representative to the UN Secretary General on human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises, John Ruggie, established access to remedy as one of the three pillars of the UN ' Protect, Respect, Remedy ' Framework. In this Framework, Ruggie prescribes that company-based grievance mechanisms can be …

Beyond Conflict: Reconfiguring approaches to the regional trade in minerals from Eastern DRC image

Beyond Conflict: Reconfiguring approaches to the regional trade in minerals from Eastern DRC

The slow progress of a joint MONUC and FARDC operations against the FDLR in the second quarter of 2009 and continuing human rights abuses have increased the urgency with which the international community is seeking means to end the conflict in Eastern DRC. Most significant is suggested legislation by the …

BJP expresses concern over drought, climate change

" Voicing concern over climate change, food shortage and poor monsoons, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) president Rajnath Singh Sunday wrote to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh that measures should be taken to improve the conditions. ' Climate change and its adverse effects on our people, agriculture and national economy are more than obvious …

Blinded: The Decline of U.S. Earth Monitoring Capabilities and Its Consequences for National Security image

Blinded: The Decline of U.S. Earth Monitoring Capabilities and Its Consequences for National Security

The United States depends on satellite systems for managing the unconventional challenges of the 21st century in ways that are rarely acknowledged. This is particularly true for satellites that monitor climate change and other environmental trends, which, in the words of the Department of Defense’s (DOD’s) 2010 Quadrennial …

BMZ Caucasus Initiative (The) image

BMZ Caucasus Initiative (The)

Encouraging Understanding. A contribution of German Development Cooperation to conflict prevention in the Southern Caucasus states of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.

Breaking the Conflict Trap image

Breaking the Conflict Trap

This policy research report prepared for the World Bank has among its main objectives to alert the international community about the negative consequences that civil wars have on development. The first part of the book addresses such consequences, at the national scale, on the neighboring countries, and at the global …

Business and Community in Dialogue: Connecting Corporate Responsibility and Global Governance – Conference Brochure image

Business and Community in Dialogue: Connecting Corporate Responsibility and Global Governance – Conference Brochure

Continuing in the line of its previous conferences where it explored the relationship between private and public sectors, between practitioners and regulators, the World Legal Forum held this year a two- day Conference on a topical challenge: Business and Community in Dialogue; Connecting corporate responsibility and global governance, on 6 …