The objective of this Convention is to guarantee the rights of access to information, public participation in decision-making, and access to justice in environmental matters. This landmark agreement builds on prior texts and is the first environmental treaty to incorporate the language of Principle 1 of the Declaration of the …
" For this Synthesis and Assessment Report, abrupt climate change is defined as: a large-scale change in the climate system that takes place over a few decades or less, persists (or is anticipated to persist) for at least a few decades, and causes substantial disruptions in human and natural systems. This …
The climate record for the past 100,000 years clearly indicates that the climate system has undergone periodic - and often extreme - shifts, sometimes in as little as a decade or less. The causes of abrupt climate changes have not been clearly established, but the triggering of events is likely to …
This report was prepared by Planet2025 Network at the request of the Dutch Programme Learning for Sustainable Development. It reviews and discusses key drivers and trends that could strongly influence the activities of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, such as emerging technologies, participatory culture, collaborative intelligence approaches …
International recognition of the challenges is growing, hand-in-hand with public concern. The Rio Conventions of 1992 were a major achievement for environmental protection, setting a clear framework for international action on Biodiversity, Climate Change and Desertification. The EU is committed to the implementation of these Conventions which also include the …
This report examines options for future international efforts to help vulnerable countries adapt to the impacts of climate change both within and outside the climate framework. Options outlined in the report include stronger funding and action under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, mandatory climate risk assessments for multilateral …
Afghanistan is at a crucial point in its tumultuous history. Since 1973, Afghanistan has changed regimes frequently, and has been led by eight different leaders. Instability and war has caused widespread devastation, insecurity, displacement, poverty and severe environmental degradation. After the tragic events of 11 September 2001 in the United …
Environmental and human security issues are vital national security interests in African states because most citizens are engaged in daily struggles to survive. Chronic and worsening resource scarcities and degradations fuel these individual struggles, along with political conflicts among different groups vying to control and benefit from scarce resources. Thus …
Wetlands provide a host of ecosystem services for local communities and are often considered " jewels " by the people who rely on and treasure them. Sometimes the value of these ecosystems transcends national boundaries, and many of these " jewels " have been recognized as Wetlands of International Importance (or Ramsar sites) under …
This report quantifies what many of us know – that on top of the human misery suffered by millions during armed conflict, these conflicts cost Africa billions of dollars each year. This is money Africa can ill afford to lose. The sums are appalling: the price that Africa is paying could …