Promoting Environmental Security and Poverty Alleviation in Virunga-Bwindi, Great Lakes Africa

Promoting Environmental Security and Poverty Alleviation in Virunga-Bwindi, Great Lakes Africa


This case study report focuses on environmental security in the Virunga-Bwindi region, part of the Albertine Rift.

It describes the social and environmental problems in this transboundary region between Rwanda, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo, identifying causal relationships between various environmental, demographic, socio-economic and political aspects. The report identifies various stakeholders with regard to environment and security in this area, that embraces four national parks and their surroundings.

Energy production, intensification and diversification of agriculture, governance, higher level park management and monitoring are perceived as some of the main attention areas for improving environmental security in the region. Ultimately, the report gives recommendations to the Institute for Environmental Security, in order to mitigate environmental destruction and to promote poverty alleviation.


Hyde Hecker, Jeanna
Institute for Environmental Security
Place published
The Hague
Date / journal vol no.
October 2005
