The recently published report presents the key findings of two scenario workshops with experts and regional stakeholders on climate change and food security that were conducted in February and May 2011 in Eastern Europe. The scenario workshops were part of the OSCE project “Climate Change and Security: Scenarios for Eastern Europe”, jointly organised by the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the European Environment Agency (EEA), and the Environment and Security Initiative (ENVSEC). adelphi supported the OSCE in the preparation and implementation of the workshops, and documented the results in a final report. The scenario report identified that food security will be imperilled by the combination of climate change and market forces: Both will significantly impact food affordability, which is particularly problematic as Eastern European citizens already need to spend large parts of their household income on food products. Consequently, adaptation to climate change in the agricultural sector will be particularly necessary.
- Author(s)
- Achim Maas with contributions of Raul Daussa and Tamara Kutonova
- Publisher
- Adelphi
- Place published
- Berlin
- Date / journal vol no.
- 31 August 2011
- Pages
- 49 pages