The University of South Wales was formed in 2013 by a merger of the University of Glamorgan and University of Wales. It has around 30,000 students and provides Bachelor, Master and PhD degrees.
As a public policy think-tank, the University of South Wales provides policymakers and professionals with fresh thinking, new evidence, and above all innovative solutions to the challenges they face in effecting changes across public service organisation and delivery.
USW is a rich resource of policy expertise, drawn on by government and both public and private sectors to underpin decisions on the major issues facing our society and economy. Our internationally-renowned experts in governmental leadership, transport, health and social care policy, economic growth and future skills, criminology and police sciences, and regeneration, are drawn together within the Centre for Advanced Studies in Public Policy (CASPP), which aims to be a leading hub for public policy analysis, equal to the very best in the UK.
Nowhere is their impact more apparent than in the University’s eponymous magazine. Recent organisations contributing, alongside our academic experts, to USW Impact include Women in Science & Technology, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, the Equality & Human Rights Commission, and The King’s Fund. With economic growth at the centre of the public policy debate, the economy is well represented with recent contributions from TheCityUK, Sony, British Airways, the City-Region task force, and CitiGroup.
Public leaders from the University’s wider academic community provide the political context, including Julia Unwin, Rowan Williams, former cabinet ministers John Morris and Peter Hain, and Liberty director Shami Chakrabarti.
Educational / Training Body