The Centre serves as the secretariat for the Network and is located at the Science Faculty of the Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. It supports cooperation between network members and other environmental actors, to carry out activities “on the ground”.
The Centre also stimulates demand driven action research, by assisting students to carry out practical research in field situations. Students are e.g. currently involved in a participatory research project in different eco-regions in Ethiopia, to assess the impacts of climate change for people, and the way people adapt to these changes.
The Horn of Africa Regional Environment Centre is involved in the assessment of the transfrontier Gambella-Boma region, aimed at promoting a more conservation and tourism-oriented policy approach towards the region. With respect to biodiversity conservation, strong emphasis is further placed on the protection of church forests, and trying to establish corridors for the protection of (church) forests’ genetic diversity.
Further, the Centre is involved in establishing Gullele Botanic Garden. This 700 hectares green area will serve both as a conservation, education and recreation area for residents of Addis Ababa and tourists.
Educational / Training Body
Regional Intergovernmental Organisation
Research / Scientific / Technical Institute