International Conference on Environmental Crime (Rome 2012)


UNICRI and UNEP, in partnership with the Italian Ministry for the Environment and the Italian Ministry of Justice, organised an International Conference on Environmental Crime. The Conference took place at the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Headquarters in Rome on 29-30 October 2012 with the support of Compagnia di San Paolo.

The Conference sought to address current and emerging threats posed by environmental crime, highlighting its links with organised criminal networks and other crimes of serious nature, with a specific focus on illegal trafficking of e-waste. Moreover, the Conference touched upon existing legal issues which permit these crimes to continue largely without prosecution.

The objective of the Conference was to serve as a platform for competent institutions and experts to discuss how to move forward and address these issues in a more effective and efficient way. The Conference was also guided by the account of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 2012.

The two-day Conference benefited from the active participation of representatives from governmental authorities, environmental and law enforcement agencies, civil society organisations, and of prominent scholars in the field. The Conference saw the participation of 130 experts from around the world and international organisations such as UNDESA, UNEP, CITES Secretariat, OSCE, CoE and INTERPOL.

The stakeholders assessed emerging forms of eco-crimes in three thematic roundtables devoted to the discussion of different environmental crime aspects and proposed recommendations which will be included in the final conference documents: Report of the Conference and Action Plan on Combating Environmental Crime.
