Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime


The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime is an attempt to try and regenerate the debate around countering organised crime, illicit trafficking and trade.

Established virtually, the Global Initiative seeks to:

  • Look at the problem of trafficking and trade from new angles
  • Draw in a diverse range of actors and catalyze new responses
  • Contribute to informed strategy development
  • Mobilise political will
  • Create some new tools

In doing this, it is a critical requirement that the Global Initiative creates ownership in the relevant bilateral and multilateral institutions who will have the responsibility to take forward the implementation.

One of the core objectives of the Global Initiative is to establish a global, multi-disciplinary network comprising of national and international practitioners, policy-makers, academics, civil society and private sector actors engaged in analysing transnational organised crime, or countering illicit trafficking and trade.

The Global Initiative Network is the core body and key resource of the Global Initiative, from which expertise, advice and resources will be drawn. The Network will serve as a forum for influence, collaboration, coordination and expertise. It is a shared space, where frank debate can take place, where experiences can be shared, networks can be developed across institutional lines and support can be sought, by all affected by the impact of organised crime.

The Network began with the 27 Founding Members who participated in the original IPI closed door meetings in 2011-12. We are now actively seeking to expand the Global Initiative Network, with a goal to having at least 100 members before the end of the first year. We strive to ensure that the Network is as representative as possible, including those working on the challenge in national law-enforcement agencies and governments in different regions, development and rule of law practitioners, senior officials from international organisations such as the United Nations and INTERPOL, and experts from academia and civil society organisations.

One of the requirements for membership is that those who participate in the Global Initiative do so in a spirit of open cooperation and that the views they provide are based on their personal experience. While most Network members work for and represent institutions, the primary objective will be to encourage free thinking and debate, while institutional hats are left at the door.
