The Bina Hill Institute, established in 2001, works with several partners under the umbrella of the North Rupununi District Development Board (NRDDB) such as Iwokrama, to develop training, research and other resources in the North Rupununi. Scale: Local Type: Specialized research Focus: Conservation, Sustainable use Strategies: Research
Both ENDS supports the work of environmental organisations, primarily in the so-called South (developing countries) and the Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. We support organisations through information, research, advocacy, campaigning, networking and capacity-building. The core of Both ENDS' activities is in making connections, between South and North, environment and …
CIFOR's mission is to contribute to the sustained well-being of people in developing countries, particularly in the tropics, through collaborative strategic and applied research and related activities in forest systems and forestry, and by promoting the transfer of appropriate new technologies and the adoption of new methods of social …
Created in 1978, the Pro-Yanomami Commission (CCPY), originally called Commission for Creation of the Yanomami Park, is a Brazilian non-governmental non-profit organization dedicated to the defense of the territorial, cultural and civil rights of Yanomami. Scale: Regional Type: Constituency CSO Focus: Indigenous rights, Cultural identity Strategies: Lobby, Activism
Scale: Local Type: Social and environmental activist Focus: Indigenous rights, Cultural identity Strategies: Lobby, Capacity building, Technical assistance, Partnerships
Scale: Global Type: Conservation and development Focus: Conservation Strategies: Lobby, Capacity building, Technical assistance, Financial support, Partnerships
COAIB was founded in 1989 following a meeting of a group of indigenous leaders. It is the largest indigenous organization in Brazil, with 75 member organizations from nine Brazilian Amason states (Amazonas, Acre, Amap á , Maranh ã o, Mato Grosso, Par á , Rond ô nia, Roraima and Tocantins). Together, these communities account for approximately …
COICA's mission is to generate policies, proposals and actions at local, national and international level, for the peoples and Amazonian indigenous organizations, through coordination, dialogue, consultation and partnerships with public, private and international cooperation actors, for a equitable and differential development of the Amazon. Scale: Regional Type: Constituency CSO …
FPP was founded in 1990 in response to the forest crisis, specifically to support indigenous forest peoples ’ struggles to defend their lands and livelihoods. FPP ’ s focus, in the beginning, came from the expertise and relationships that the small founding team had with specific communities, primarily in the Guyanas and …
This directory and the accompanying Guiana Shield Action Guide have been produced in Project COBRA: The Role of Community Owned Solutions in Sustainable Environmental Management and Governance in the Global South
Project COBRA was supported by a three year grant from the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme. The contents of this directory are the sole responsibility of Project COBRA and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.