Get Serious About Averting Trouble in the Forest

Get Serious About Averting Trouble in the Forest


The complex links between illicit trade in natural resources such as timber and diamonds, and the purchase of arms, cannot be ignored. Peace is impossible as long as international trade contributes finances to armed insurrections. And managing resources for the future is impossible at the point of a gun. In this article based on his op-ed in a recent International Herald Tribune, David Kaimowitz provides some guidelines to policymakers on how to protect forests and people from conflict.


David Kaimowitz
IUCN - World Conservation Union
Place published
Date / journal vol no.
in “Environment & Security: Why Nature is a Matter of Survival”, Policy Matters, Newsletter of the IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy, Issue No. 9, May 2002
pp. 7-8
