Trade and Environment

Trade and Environment


This book flows from the realization that the trade and environment policy debate is technically complex, is becoming highly specialized and is full of cumbersome—and not always useful— jargon. As a result, it has become increasingly difficult to understand and follow all the various

strands of trade and environment debates. This is not only true for new entrants into the policy debates, but also for seasoned practitioners who may have been focusing only on some elements of trade and environment discussions, or on adjacent discussions within either the broader trade policy arena or the broader environmental policy space. This can also impose particular and significant stress on developing country capacities to participate in these discussions. More importantly, there is the danger of the policy focus becoming ever-narrower and, therefore, missing the cross-issue connections that are sometimes central to resolving complex and inter-linked policy challenges.

The aim of this book is to provide relevant information as well as pertinent analysis on a broad set of trade and environment discussions while explaining as clearly as possible (a) what are the key issues from a trade and environment perspective; (b) what are the most important policy debates around them; and (c) what are the different policy positions that define these debates.

This book also aims to be a source for policy practitioners, scholars and activists that gives them a clear and

easy-to-use map of ongoing and upcoming trade and environment discussions.

As many as 61 authors from 34 different

countries have contributed to this volume.


Adil Najam, Mark Halle, Ricardo Melendez-Ortiz
