Investing in Prevention: an international strategy to manage risks of instability and improve crisis response

Investing in Prevention: an international strategy to manage risks of instability and improve crisis response


The international community needs to invest in reducing future risk of conflict and political instability, or continue to pay the high human and financial costs of reacting to repeated crisis, says a new report from the Prime Minister's Strategy Unit.

The report “Investing in Prevention: an international strategy to manage risks of instability and improve crisis response” was published on 17 February 2005.

It was commissioned by the Government to address the challenges posed by fragile and unstable countries in an interdependent world. The report proposes a comprehensive international strategy to address this challenge and outlines priority policy initiatives which could make a significant impact over the next five years.

The related website also contains Strategy and Risk Assessment Manuals and other related documents.


UK Prime Minister's Strategy Unit
UK Prime Minister's Strategy Unit
Place published
Date / journal vol no.
February 2005
192 pages
