On the Frontline of Climate Change: International Security Implications

On the Frontline of Climate Change: International Security  Implications


"On the Frontline of Climate Change: International Security Implications" is a methodical study of the larger strategic ramifications of global warming.

It examines how climate change will impact on national and international security. Given that climate change can only be slowed but not stopped, the book contends that the subject should be elevated to a national-security issue. Given that the world has essentially three choices — mitigation, adaptation and suffering — the greater the mitigation that is done through concerted international action, the less the future suffering and need for adaptation. The book brings out that as the largest and most-populous continent, Asia is likely to bear the brunt of climate change, making it imperative to build greater institutional and organizational capacity on a national basis.


Brahma Chellaney, Heela Najibullah
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e V.
Place published
New Delhi
Date / journal vol no.
