National Security and the Threat of Climate Change

National Security and the Threat of Climate Change


Global climate change presents a serious national security threat which could impact Americans at home, impact United States military operations and heighten global tensions, according to a new study released by a blue-ribbon panel of eleven retired U.S. admirals and generals from all branches of the armed services.

The study, “National Security and the Threat of Climate Change,” explores ways projected climate change is a threat multiplier in already fragile regions, exacerbating conditions that lead to failed states — the breeding grounds for extremism and terrorism. Climate change, national security and energy dependence are a related set of global challenges that will add to tensions even in stable regions of the world, found the panel, known as the Military Advisory Board.

The panel recommended that the U.S. should commit to a stronger national and international role to help stabilize climate changes at levels that will avoid significant disruption to global security and stability.

Moreover, the U.S. should commit to global partnerships that help less developed nations build the capacity and resiliency to better manage climate impacts.


General Gordon R. Sullivan, USA (Ret.), et. al.
The CNA Corporation
Place published
Washington, DC
Date / journal vol no.
April 2007
