Project COBRA Directory of Guiana Shield Civil Society Organisations


Results 21 - 30 of 56

Fundación al Verde Vivo


Fundaci ó n al Verde Vivo is a non-governmental organization dedicated to the recovery of degraded lands destroyed by society, river restoration and planting of natural forests, reforestation and restoration. Scale: Local Type: Conservation and development Focus: Conservation, Economic development Strategies: Technical assistance, Financial support

Fundación Empresas Polar


Fundaci ó n Empresas Polar is a corporate foundation sponsored solely by Empresas Polar, which conducts collective utility and general interest in order to install capacities in the population that lead to sustainable development of communities, helping to improve the quality of life of Venezuelans. The Foundation was founded in 1977 …

Fundación Gaia Amazonas image

Fundación Gaia Amazonas


Gaia Amazonas Foundation (FGA) has been carrying out activities in the Colombian Amazon for more than 15 years, with the aim of consolidating in the hands of the Amazon indigenous peoples the administration and conservation of their territories, in accordance with the rights that are assigned to these peoples through …

Fundación Humedales


Fundaci ó n Humedales intends to develop, for the sake of future generations and together with local communities, participatory environmental management for the development of projects (fields of research, water management, education and communication, sustainable production alternatives and promotion Community) for the conservation and sustainable use of aquatic ecosystems in Colombia …

Fundación Natura


The Natura Colombia Foundation is a civil society organization based in Colombia dedicated to the conservation, use and management of biodiversity to generate social, economic and environmental benefits in the context of sustainable human development. Scale: Local Type: Conservation and development Focus: Conservation Strategies: Lobby, Research, Technical assistance

Fundación para la Conservación del Patrimonio Natural


Scale: Local Type: Conservation and development Focus: Indigenous rights, Conservation, Sustainable use Strategies: Lobby, Capacity building, Research, Technical Assistance

Fundación Pro Aves de Colombia


Fundaci ó n Pro Aves de Colombia's mission is to protect wild birds and their habitats in Colombia through investigation, directed conservation actions and community approach. Scale: Local Type: Conservation and development Focus: Conservation, Sustainable use Strategies: Lobby, Research, Technical assistance

Guyanese Organisation of Indigenous Peoples (GOIP)


GOIP's mission is to facilitate the development of its peoples through indigenous peoples institutes, promote the recognition of the internationally recognised rights and interests of its peoples through partnership with other NGOs, stakeholders and agencies. Scale: Regional Type: Constituency CSO Focus: Indigenous rights, Cultural identity Strategies: Lobby, Technical assistance

Institute for Environmental Security (IES) image

Institute for Environmental Security (IES)

The Netherlands

The IES is an international non-profit non-governmental organisation established in 2002 in The Hague, The Netherlands with liaison offices in Brussels and Washington, D.C. The Institute's mission is: "To advance global environmental security by promoting the maintenance of the regenerative capacity of life-supporting eco-systems." Scale: Type: Focus: Strategies:

Instituto Amazônico de Manejo Sustentável dos Recursos Ambientais (IARA)


Scale: Regional Type: Specialized Research Focus: Conservation, Sustainable use Strategies: Capacity Building, Research, Technical Assistance

About this Directory

This directory is based upon information and listings contained in the Project COBRA publication:Caspar Verwer & Rob Glastra (IUCN NL), Report on the effectiveness of CSO policies and strategies pertaining to sustainable development and ecosystem services management in the Guiana Shield, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, University of London, November 2012.
Additional CSOs (including several represented at the COBRA Conference on Community Owned Solutions, Brussels on 21-22 January 2015) have been added. To suggest further entries for this directory contact the Institute for Environmental Security (IES).

This directory and the accompanying Guiana Shield Action Guide have been produced in Project COBRA: The Role of Community Owned Solutions in Sustainable Environmental Management and Governance in the Global South

Project COBRA was supported by a three year grant from the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme. The contents of this directory are the sole responsibility of Project COBRA and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.